

  • NSF 2021-2022, SaTC: EAGER: Trustworthy and Privacy-preserving Federated Learning, (Lead PI: Thai, collaborate with T. N. Dinh)
  • NSF 2021-2025, SCH: Trustworthy and Explainable AI for Neurodegenerative Diseases, (Lead PI: Thai, collaborate with R. Fang, A. Ramirez-Zamora, and E. Xing)
  • NSF 2020-2023, SaTC: When Adversarial Learning Meets Differential Privacy: Theoretical Foundation and Applications, (UF PI: Thai, collaborate with H Phan)
  • FC2 2020-2021, Multi-Layer and Systematic Analytics for Securing the Internet-of-Things, (UF PI: Thai, collaborate with A. Mohaisen)
  • NSF 2020-2023, FAI: Towards a Computational Foundation for Fair Network Learning, (collaborate with HH Tong and R Maciejewski)
  • NSF 2019-2022, III: Stream-based Active Mining at Scale: Non-Linear Non-Submodular Maximization, (Lead PI: Thai, collaborate with DZ Du)
  • CTMT 2020-2021, DeepTrust: Building Competency-aware AI Systems with Human-Centric Communication, (coPI, collaborate with S. Chan-Olmsted)
  • UFII 2019-2021, Active Mining and Data Integrity at Scale: A Blockchain-based Approach (sole PI).
  • NSF 2018-2021, NeST: Lightweight Adaptive Algorithms for Network Optimization at Scale towards Emerging Services, (Lead PI: Thai, collaborate with ZL Zhang)
  • FC2 2018-2019, Thwarting APTs in IoT, (UF PI: Thai, collaborate with A. Mohaisen)
  • FC2 2017-2018, Resilient Smart Grid Control for Load Switching Cyber Attacks, (UF PI: Thai, collaborate with Z. Miao)
  • NSRI 2016-2017, Identification of Critical Monitoring Nodes in SCADA Network, (sole PI)
  • FC2 2016-2017, Nonlinear Model-Based Cyber Attack-Resilient Smart Grid Control, (UF PI: Thai, collaborate with Z. Miao)
  • NSF 2015-2019, EARS: Collaborative Research: Laying the Foundations of Social Network-Aware Cellular Device-to-Device Communications, (UF PI: Thai, collaborate with W. Saad and Z. Han)
  • NSF 2014-2019, Collaborative Research: RIPS Type 2: Vulnerability Assessment and Resilient Design of Interdependent Infrastructures, (Lead PI: Thai, co-PI: V. Boginski, Y. Yin, C. McCarty, A. Sarwat)
  • NSF 2014-2017, CCF: Modeling and Dynamic Analyzing for Multiplex Social Networks, (sole PI)
  • DTRA 2014-2019, Interdependent Network Responses to WMD: Dynamics Modeling, Impact Analysis, and Adaptive Control Techniques, (PI: Thai, co-PI: D. Wu)
  • NSRI 2014-2015, Efficient Protection Schemes towards Load-Redistribution Attacks, (sole PI)
  • DTRA 2010-2015, Mathematical Approaches to WMD Defense and Vulnerability Assessments on Dynamic Networks (co-PI with C. Smith and P. Pardalos)
  • DTRA 2009-2014, YIP: C-WMD: Models, Complexity, and Algorithms in Complex Dynamic Evolving Networks (sole PI)
  • NSF 2010-2015, CAREER: Optimization Models and Approximation Algorithms for Network Vulnerability and Adaptability (sole PI)
  • ETRI 2013-2014, Efficient DPI Methods in SCADA Smart Grid System (sole PI)
  • NSF 2010-2015, Sequencing Gators: Building a Genome Science Curriculum at the University of Florida and Beyond (co-PI with E. Triplett, V. Crecy, and T. Kahveci)
  • NSF 2008-2010, A New Approach for Identifying DoS Attackers Based on Group Testing Techniques (sole PI)