Influence Maximization & Misinformation Countermeasures
Online social networks (OSNs) like Facebook, Twitter, etc. are excellent media for viral marketing. One of the fundamental problems for viral marketing in OSNs is the influence maximization (IM) problem, where the company aims at reaching a widespread product adoption via word-of-mouth effect by providing free samples of a product…... Read More

Sybil attack and limiting the spread of misinformation
The wide spread of misinformation in online social networks has become a main threat to our society. Generally, people tend to believe what their friends are saying. Leveraging the social relationships to contain or block the misinformation appears to be a promising strategy. Objectives: Detect misinformation in online social networks…... Read More

Socialbot Behavior & Detection
The socialbot attack model is a spiritual successor to the Sybil attack model that addresses several of its flaws. Where the Sybil model makes strong assumptions about the number and organization of the attackers, the socialbot model relaxes those. A socialbot is simply a bot that pretends to be a human on…... Read More

Socially Aware Schemes to Offload Network Traffic
Although Device-to-device (D2D) communications over licensed wireless spectrum has been recently proposed as a promising technology to meet the capacity crunch of next generation cellular networks, the success, to a large extent, depends on the willingness of the participating devices to share their resources. Consideration of social aspect of human…... Read More

Vulnerabilities in Socially-Enabled Smart Grid
The social computing will integrate and enhance many digital systems over the next decade and the smart grid is no exception. Smart grid efficiency depends on utility customers having knowledge about demand response programs and being actively engaged in energy management. And this is exactly where social network comes into…... Read More

Adaptive Approximation Algorithm for Community Structure Detection
Community structure is defined as a subgraph such that there is a higher density of edges within the subgraph than between them. This has applications in many domains, not only in computer networks, but also in computational biology, social research, life sciences and physics. We focuses on complex, dynamic, and…... Read More

Fast Detecting Disjoint and Overlapping Community Structures
Many problems in reality take the forms of complex networks and their underlying organization exhibit the property of containing communities, i.e. groups of tightly internally-connected and sparsely externally-connected nodes in the network structure. Community detection is the problem of identifying those communities in a given network with or without extra…... Read More

Information Leakage in Online Social Networks
As an imperative channel for rapid information propagation, OSNs also have their disruptive effects. One of them is the leakage of information, i.e., information could be spread via OSNs to the users whom we may not willing to share with. Thus the problem of constructing a circle of trust to…... Read More